Wep Ronpet Sekhmet Baths Kit (7 baths) - basic

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Wep Ronpet Sekhmet Baths Kit - Basic Kit

A magical/spiritual cleansing bath kit, including herbs and accompanying ritual instructions for all seven baths typically performed on the day after Kemetic Orthodox Wep Ronpet/Egyptian New Year (in 2024: August 6), dedicated to and blessed by the deities Sekhmet, Serqet, Heru-wer (Horus the Elder), Hethert (Hathor), Wesir (Osiris), Aset (Isis), and Amun-Ra. See separate baths on this site for a description of what each bath can do.

This kit represents significant savings on ordering the seven baths separately.

You will need to add certain items (liquids like water and milk, Florida Water, fresh herbs, etc.) at home; this kit packs only dry herbs for safety purposes. We sell Florida Water in perfume and soap form separately - please note we cannot ship liquid perfumes outside the US for customs/safety reasons.

These baths are handcrafted from fair trade or locally harvested herbs and other organic ingredients at the time of their order. Please allow up to 10 days for shipment after placing your order. Orders received by July 24, 2023 should arrive in time to be used on the August 6 official bath day, but Sekhmet's baths can also be taken at any time of year.

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