Kemetic Jewelry & Accessories

Jewelry and accessories with a Kemetic/Ancient Egyptian design or style.
(image for) GOLDTONE Udjat "Eye of Horus" Car Decal

GOLDTONE Udjat "Eye of Horus" Car Decal

Bored with Jesus Fish? Let Heru's Eye watch over your car! Permanent-adhesive plastic die-cast car decal in goldtone. Approximately 3 inches by 2 1/8 inches.
(image for) Horus of Two Horizons (Horakhty, Heruakhety) Pendant

Horus of Two Horizons (Horakhty, Heruakhety) Pendant

Enameled lead-free metal replica of a pendant of Horus of the Twin Horizons (Horakhty, Heruakhety, Ra-Heruakhety) originally found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Goldtone hawk clutches two symbols of eternity (shen) in its claws. Comes with goldtone...
(image for) Horus son of Isis (Heru-sa-Aset) Pendant

Horus son of Isis (Heru-sa-Aset) Pendant

Enameled lead-free metal image of Horus the Son of Isis (Heru-sa-Aset) as a falcon wearing the Egyptian Double Crown, on a goldtone pendant. Stunning.
(image for) SILVERTONE Udjat "Eye of Horus" Car Decal

SILVERTONE Udjat "Eye of Horus" Car Decal

Bored with Jesus Fish? Let Heru's Eye watch over your car! Permanent-adhesive plastic die-cast car decal in silvertone. Approximately 3 inches by 2 1/8 inches.

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